January 2025
January 2025
By Gaylee Harris, Director
Montgomery City Public Library
Happy New Year to all! We hope this finds you and your loved ones safe, warm, and enjoying the holiday season. The Montgomery City Public Library staff invites all patrons and community members to stop by and check out our new items, programs, and organization in the New Year.
The Montgomery City Public Library received two technology grant awards in 2024. These projects are supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
The first grant is the long-term “Computer Adventures for All Ages” technology ladder grant for $11,444. With this funding, we purchased new AWE Learning Stations for preschool and elementary-aged children, Makey-Makey invention kits and instruction for our Robotics classes and a new Microsoft Surface Studio 2+ all-in-one computer for those who would like to get creative with the Adobe Creative Cloud programs.
The newest technology grant award is the short-term “1, 2, 3 Technology” mini-grant for $8,595. With this funding, we purchased one smart television and camera for meetings in the Reference Room, two Dell desktops and three Dell laptop computers to update the librarians’ workstations. The items from both grants are in place and ready to use!
Have you heard of Tonieboxes and characters? The Toniebox combines audio and entertainment in a new exciting way for children. When a Tonies character is placed on the Tonies box, magical worlds of music, adventure, fantasy, and fairy tales open up for the listeners. Each Tonies character has its own unique content. There are two Tonies kits ready for check out. One has Christmas-themed characters. The other has favorite story characters. More Tonie kits will be added to the MCPL Library of Things in the next few months.
Family Game Night is a new monthly program on the first Thursday that will begin on February 6 from 5-8 pm. Families can play a variety of games together or with other families and individuals. MCPL has many game choices but you are welcome to bring your own (for which you will be responsible).
Sometimes successful programs are repeated. The MCPL Goes to the Oscars event will be on Saturday, March 1 beginning at 7 pm. That night’s film, “The Green Book,” won three Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Original Screenplay. Feel free to bring comfortable lawn chairs and snacks to enjoy inside the Community Room. Come enjoy an award-winning movie before the 2025 Academy Awards are given out on Sunday, March 2.
Last year, the March Book Madness and Mario Kart tournaments were such a success, that we are doing them again. This year an adult Mario Kart tournament is planned for February 8 beginning at 7 pm. Mario Kart tournaments for the younger crowds will be on March 15 from 10 am- 12 pm for kids and 7-9 pm for teens. Registration will be required for all Mario Kart tournaments. The March Book Madness will be from March 17-21. Later in the year, be on the lookout for another fun International Mud Day and Craft Swap.
Have you visited MCPL lately? There have been some organizational changes in the library. With the help of the Friends of the Library and library staff, all the Adult Nonfiction books were moved to the front bookshelves near the main circulation desk. There are new Dewey Decimal shelf dividers that identify the different sections. All the Adult Fiction books were placed on the back bookshelves with alphabetical shelf dividers. New Nonfiction and Fiction signs are hanging from the ceiling to help you locate the areas. The Children’s Department has new shelf dividers in the Easy Picture Book, Easy Nonfiction, and the holiday sections. An eye-catching Graphic Novels shelf divider highlights the location of the juvenile graphic novels.
Another change in the Children’s Department is the addition of a juvenile computer area in the far corner. This includes two AWE After School Edge Learning Stations with computer activities for children aged six through twelve. For children ages two through six, the three AWE Early Literacy Learning Stations are near the Easy DVD collection. Each AWE learning station has age-appropriate content that is also engaging and interactive. The AWE content is STREAM-aligned and span all curriculum areas: reading, language arts, math, science, social studies, writing, art, typing, music, and more.
Don’t forget about MCPL’s vast print, DVD, and audiobook collections, Creation Station, and the Library of Things! New items come in regularly. We invite you to visit the Montgomery City Public Library to check out the new (and old) in 2025!