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Montgomery City Public Library

March 2024

March 2024 Standard News article

By Gaylee Harris, Montgomery City Public Library Director

You won’t believe all the programs that the Montgomery City Public Library offers!  And they are FREE!  No library card required!

The Montgomery City Public Library offers programs for all ages.  For the younger crowd (babies-preschool), there is Story Time Adventures on Mondays at 10 am.  This story time has activities that help youngsters learn early learning and pre-reading skills.  For children, there is the Robotics Club on the first Saturday of the month.  Three robotics classes run from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. 

Teens can enjoy After Hours Teen Night on the third Saturday evening of the month with their friends while playing board & video games, dancing, eating snacks, and exploring Virtual Reality.  Two Dungeons & Dragons clubs (one adult and one teen) meet at various times during the month.  Adults can also attend Coloring Club on the first Tuesday of the month from 2-3 pm, Adult Arts and Crafts on the last Tuesday of the month from 2-4 pm.  Books and Beyond meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 1:30.  This is mainly for people with developmental disabilities, but anyone is welcome to attend.  MCPL has two adult book clubs, which include the ABC Book Club that meets on the third Wednesday at 6:30 pm, and the Page Turners Book Club that meets on the third Friday at 1:00 pm.  Book club books are available at the library’s front desk.

MCPL offers programs for all ages/multi-generational as well.  The Lego Club is for children, teens, adults, and seniors.  This club builds creative designs on the second Saturday of the month from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.  Needle Arts Gathering meets from 2:00-4:00 pm on the second Sunday.  You can bring your own project to work on and fellowship with others.  The Sassy Nanny Raw Milk Dairy Goat Talks are scheduled for the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm.  The Montgomery City Bee Club meets on the third Sunday from 3:30-4:30 pm.  On the last Friday of the month from 9:00-10:00 am, the Homeschool Hangout presents activities for homeschooling families that correspond to their curriculum. 

Movie nights are scheduled throughout the year and the audience varies depending on the film and rating.  “Bridesmaids,” a rated R adult movie, will be shown on March 9 beginning at 7 pm for adults.  This will be a special event where the audience can participate by wearing wedding attire, bringing photos of their wedding or a wedding they were in, and enjoying cake and punch.  This special participation is not required to attend.  Come and have some fun! 

A children’s movie, “Hop” will be shown on March 23 at 7:00 pm.   These movies will be shown in the MCPL Community Room.  Summer movies are presented outside on a large inflatable screen.  You are invited to bring snacks and a comfortable lawn chair if you would like for either movie location.  Folding chairs are always available. 

Special programming happens throughout the year such as summer reading programs, author events, Community Conversations, and tournaments.  Although there are no group computer classes, MCPL offers one-on-one computer assistance. This makes it easier to concentrate on the patron’s individual needs and devices.  

March Madness will be in the air at the Montgomery City Public Library.  There will be a March Madness Tournament of Books this month.  All the books in the tournament are available at MCPL for checkout.  Fill out the bracket with your predictions and turn it in to the library from March 1-8.  Then vote on the MCPL Facebook page for your favorites from March 11-14.  The winning book will be announced on March 15.  Prizes will be awarded to the top two patrons with the most correct answers. 

Then on Saturday, March 16, children and teens can participate in a Mario Kart Madness Tournament.  Sixteen lucky first-fifth graders will race from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.  An adult must accompany racers age 8 and younger.  Sixteen teen racers will take on each other during the March After Hours Teen Night from 7:00-9:00 pm that same evening.  Spots are limited for both sessions so please register early by calling the library at 573-564-8022. 

The MCPL staff is preparing for the 2024 summer reading program, “Adventure Begins at Your Library.”  The summer program runs from June 1 through July 31 with several activities and fun presentations from Chef Bananas, Talewise Theater Group, and Happy Faces Entertainment.  More information will be coming soon.

As you can see, the Montgomery City Public Library has something for everyone.  We invite you to attend the free programs where no library card is needed.  More information about these programs can be found by calling MCPL at 573-564-8022, checking the website, following the library’s Facebook page, and reading the Montgomery Standard. 

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